Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Nursing Research Article

Lung cancer has been named the second leading killer of American women second to heart disease.   It is estimated that 20% of deaths among women occur from lung cancer (   According to the American cancer society, lung cancer accounts for up to 28 % of mortality rates among men.   The risk factors associated to lung cancer are smoking of cigarettes, marijuana, exposure to talcum and radioactive gases and asbestos and so on. These compounds are said to trigger growth of malignant cells thus causing cancer ( Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MD a board certified Anatomic pathologist based in US in her article lung cancer (medicine points out that lung cancer is a life threatening cancer that spreads very fast to other parts of the body and is a very difficult cancer to treat.   She clears up the myth that lung cancer only occurs among smokers.   Non-smokers are also prone to developing lung cancer and of the 170,000 lung cancer deaths in America, 10% of them are non-smokers. Of these deaths among non-smokers, not all the cases can be traced to any identifiable risk factors but dominantly, passive smoking can be underpinned to be the major causal factor for lung cancer among non-smokers.   Melissa also tries to shed light or the group that is most prone to suffer from lung cancer.   She purports that smokers, Asbestos workers, the elderly, passive smokers, people exposed to workplace chemicals and residents of air pollution prone zones. According to the American cancer society, 70% of people suffering from cancer are elderly say over 65 years and only 3% under 45 years. Melissa points out that in the 1930, lung cancer was a rare disease however, with the rise of tobacco smoking and pollution, the disease cases have increased unprecedented.   The number of deaths among tobacco smokers is highest among cigarette smoker as opposed to cigar and pipe smokers. The risk getting lung cancer further compounds with each increase of cigarette smoked.   Defined in medical terms as pack-years (the number to packs of cigarette smoked per day in a year), Melissa suggest that the higher the number of pack years, the higher the risk of developing lung cancer.   To be precise she elaborates that out of seven people who smoke 2 to 3 packs of cigarettes in a day, one will die of lung cancer.   ( This is because cigarette contains carcinogenic compounds that trigger abnormal cell growth in the lungs and thus cancer.   It then seems that lung cancer is a disease for smokers, or at least that is according to common misconceptions.   Melissa in her article submits that research findings indicates people who share living space or work stations have a 24% higher chance of developing cancer as   evidence by 3000 lung cancer deaths pinned to passive smoking. Further, she brings to mind that other risk factors associated with lung cancer are rare but combined with smoking, (passive or active) the risk of developing cancer is further compounded.   Evidence shows that Asbestos workers who smoke had a 50 to 90 times possibility of developing lung cancer in preference to the five times possibility accrued to non-smokers. The case is the same for workers exposed to radon gas and radioactive compounds. Although there is insufficient evidence to support claims that genetic predisposition increase individuals vulnerability to developing lung cancer, the possibility cannot be totally ignored. Residents of air-polluted zones have contributed 1% of all lung cancer cases and clearly, cigarette smoking or passive smoking complicates the problem.   The US government has paid noteworthy attention to the increase of lung cancer deaths among Americans. According to the National cancer institute, 213,389 new cases of lung cancer cases have so far been reported and out of those cases, 160,390 deaths have occurred in 2007 alone.   The magnitude of cancer problem is profound leading the government to respond investing a handsome chunk of money to cancer research each year. The author of the article is a well-educated pathologist and she uses a lot of medical jargon in her article.   However, she makes efforts of clearly explaining important terms so that her audience can understand.   Her piece is well researched and developed giving it a smooth flow. She starts from the basics and develops the topics to complex aspects. For instance, definition of lung cancer, commonality of the disease, causes, types of cancer, signs and symptoms, how it is diagnosed, treatment options, prognosis and prevention. However, for a nonprofessional some of the content may be confusing or too technical to understand.   Although she does try to explain in simple language, it is possible to get lost in the maze of medical terminology and information overload.   The argument does seem logical, supported by statistics from reliable sources.   She also builds her article from previous medical researches and from her own professional experience. The author’s argument regarding smoking and its role in increasing risk of developing cancer among cancer prone population is well supported.   She mentions the various causal factors of lung cancer and relates them to smoking.   For instance, the fact that 12% of lung cancer deaths are attributable to radon gas exposure and concomitant smoking bringing the number to up to 15,000deaths per year. I believe this article is most appropriate to Melissa’s target audience because it rolls out facts supported by statistics which I think makes the article believable and reliable.   It is unlikely that an individual, who smokes or is exposed to the risk factors mentioned in the article, would take the recommendations lightly.   Moreover, after reading her article, misconceptions about passive smoking are cleared.   The word that evoked a strong response in me is prognosis of lung cancer. Prognosis of lung cancer refers to the chance of recovery from lung cancer.   Melissa sheds light on the possibility of recovery among lung cancer patients.   She submits that recovery is dependant on the localization and size of tumor type of cancer and overall health status of the patient.   This gets me thinking because; I always thought cancer was the same. She fills in the readers on the two types of lung cancers, which are the i.e. small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). SCLC is the most aggressive and survival time ranges from about 4 to 6 months after diagnosis, if untreated.   However, the SCLC is the most responsive to radiation and chemotherapy.   At this point, I feel enlightened.   Further, she points out treatments like surgical removal of tumors and local chemotherapy as the most effective treatment. Although there is, only 5%-10% chances of survival if lung cancer is untreated, good treatment can prolong cancer patient with SCLC types of lung cancer, to up to 5 times more than the untreated cases. Overall I think the article is well researched and accurate and gives a clear take home message i.e. prevention is better than cure since prognosis of lung cancer is poor compared to other cancers.   Thus, smokers and passive smokers are best advised to avoid cigarette in order to minimize susceptibility to lung cancer. References Conrad M. S ed. Marks, J.W. Lung Cancer. Available at Accessed on September 18, 2007 .

Internet Addiction Can Cause Physical Damage to the Brain, Just Like Drugs, Say Researchers

Internet addiction can cause physical damage to the brain, just like drugs, say researchers By  ROB WAUGH UPDATED:  07:42 GMT, 12 January 2012 Internet addiction disrupts nerve wiring in the brains of teenagers, a study has found – causing a level of brain damage normally seen in heavy substance abusers. Similar effects have been seen in the brains of people exposed to alcohol, cocaine and cannabis. The discovery shows that being hooked on a behaviour can be just as physically damaging as addiction to drugs, scientists believe.Brain scans showed significant damage to white matter in the brain, proving, the researchers claim, that ‘behavioural' addictions can cause physical brain damage in the same way as drug addictions. Internet addiction disorder (IAD) is a recently recognised condition characterised by out-of-control internet use. Sufferers spend unhealthy amounts of time â€Å"online† to the extent that it impairs their quality of life. Denied access to th eir computers, they may experience distress and withdrawal symptoms including tremors, obsessive thoughts, and involuntary typing movements of the fingers.Until now research on IAD has focused on psychological assessments. The new study, from China, used a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique to look at its effects on brain structure. Scans were carried out on 17 internet-addicted adolescents and 16 non-addicted individuals, and the results compared. In the IAD-diagnosed teenagers, the scientists found evidence of disruption to ‘white matter' nerve fibres connecting vital parts of the brain involved in emotions, decision making, and self-control.A measurement of water diffusion called ‘fractional anisotropy' (FA) was used which provides a picture of the state of nerve fibres. Low FA was an indicator of poor nerve fibre structure. The researchers, led by Dr Hao Lei from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Wuhan, wrote in the online journal Public Library of Science O NE: ‘Our findings suggest that IAD demonstrated widespread reductions of FA in major white matter pathways and such abnormal white matter structure may be linked to some behavioural impairments. ‘In addition, white matter integrity may serve as a potential new treatment target.. ‘ Previous studies had shown abnormal white matter structure in the orbito-frontal regions of the brains of people exposed to alcohol, cocaine, cannabis, methamphetamine and ketamine, said the researchers. They added: ‘Our finding that IAD is associated with impaired white matter integrity in the orbito-frontal regions is consistent with these previous results. The scientists suspect the damage is caused by disrupted myelin, the fatty insulating sheath that coats nerve fibres and helps them to function. Commenting on the findings, Dr Henrietta Bowden-Jones, consultant psychiatrist at Imperial College London, said: ‘This type of research exploring the differences between normal b rains and brains of people who suffer from internet addictions is groundbreaking as it makes clear neuroimaging links between internet addiction and other addictions such as alcohol, cocaine and cannabis amongst others. ‘We are finally been told what clinicians suspected for some time now, that white matter abnormalities in the orbito-frontal cortex and other truly significant brain areas are present not only in addictions where substances are involved but also in behavioural ones such as internet addiction. ‘ Currently, internet addiction is officially classified as an ‘mpulse control disorder' rather than a ‘genuine' addiction.Further studies with larger numbers of subjects would be needed before consideration could be given to reclassifying it, said Dr Bowden-Jones. She added: ‘It is.. possible to consider this study as one of the seminal papers in determining how future generations of clinicians will view internet addiction. ‘ Read more:  ht tp://www. dailymail. co. uk/sciencetech/article-2085369/Internet-addiction-cause-physical-damage-brain-just-like-drugs-say-researchers. html#ixzz2QdsZxeo0   Follow us:  @MailOnline on Twitter  |  DailyMail on Facebook

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Otzi the Iceman

Otzi the Iceman is one of the greatest discoveries known to date. His discovery has a major significance throughout the world, for his age and excellent preservation, the equipment found with him and the contents of his stomach. Other factors which contribute to his significance are the number of different human blood samples found on his clothing and equipment. Carbon dating indicates that Iceman is over 5300 years old with nature preserving him to unprecedented levels. He was found high in the Alps where freezing temperatures and strong cold winds occur allowing him and his equipment to be preserved. The winds dried more than 90% of the liquid in his body which got rid of the parasites in his blood allowing him to freeze without decaying. His massive blood loss through his wound also helped the preservation process. Thanks to these conditions we can study Iceman’s life in the early Stone Age. Initially it was thought that Ozti died due to hypothermia. Later it was speculated that it was part of a sacrificial ceremony. These theories were put to rest after x-rays and CT scans revealed a flint arrow lodged in his left shoulder. Otzi died from a fatal shot approximately 30m away at a 25 degree angle from below. The x-rays and the CT scan also revealed deep cuts on both hands implying a struggle occurred before the final blow which was proved by multiple blood samples found on his equipment. This information concludes that the Stone Age was a violent Era. The Iceman’s equipment is a significant discovery as it tells us the story of his death. Multiple blood samples were found on his clothes and equipment strengthening the theory of murder. But this is not the main reason for its importance. A copper axe was found as part of his equipment with its handle still intact, the only one ever discovered. Not only it is unique but also sets the history of copper making back 500 years in Europe. These artefacts and pieces of evidence are major factor of the Iceman’s discovery. The contents of Otzi’s stomach lead the scientist along the path he has taken over 5300 years ago. Pollen analysis was used on the food found within his intestines to accurately point his route which he travelled up the mountains and the season he died in. It also concluded what tribe Otzi most likely came from. Other food found within his stomach determined what people ate during that period and the last meal of the Iceman. The discovery of Iceman is one of the greatest mankind’s treasures. Otzi’s preservation level allowed the world to have an insight into the lives of humans over 5300 years ago. He rewrote history with his age and equipment setting new records and helping us to understand our ancestry. Thus these factors make Otzi the Iceman a significant discovery.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Mass media's influence on presidental elections Research Paper

Mass media's influence on presidental elections - Research Paper Example During the first debate Nixon was not well prepared and had little make up while his rival Kennedy was well dressed and prepared for the interview. During the debate there were huge signs of nervousness and panic on Nixon’s face which led the people to believe that Nixon was not ready to lead the nation while people who were listening to the match on the radio believed that Nixon had won, as they could not see the face of any of the candidates. This was the first time that TV was used as a political tool by political candidates. Media has had tremendous effect on presidential elections but their way of influencing is not without controversy. Media will sometimes provide stories dealing with the personal lives of presidential candidates which is very harmful to the candidate and not useful even to the undecided voter. Influencing these undecided voters has a huge impact on American politics. America basically has two big news channels that are very important to the American pub lic; one is Fox news and the other is CNN. Both the channels have huge impact regarding the painting of the picture of the presidential candidate. Regarding the impact of Fox news on American public, Stefano Della Vigna and Ethan Kaplan have conducted a study on the ultraconservative Rupert Murdoch’s channel. Fox was launched in 1996 and by 2000 it was available in more than 20% of American households. They conducted a study in which they compared the change in republican vote bank between 1996 and 2000, and they came to the conclusion that Fox news had increased the vote bank of Republican Party in the areas which received Fox news by 0.5% or 200,000 votes; this number was enough to change the result of 2000 presidential elections. Fox news is also known for its right wing and Christian agenda which appealed to the most of the voters who had access to it. (Does Fox News Change Votes?) On the other hand, CNN is a relatively liberal news channel with agenda that is mostly neit her left wing nor right wing but more to the center in the political arena although it has been claimed that it has favored Democratic Party most of the times. During the elections of 2008, in which Barack Obama became victorious, it was clear that CNN favored a democratic candidate while Fox preferred Republican, and most important of them, all Fox was not biased against Sarah Palin, the governor of Alaska who was the running mate of John McCain, while CNN did everything in its power to portray Sarah Palin in a way that can only be described as negative because of her affiliation with causes that can be classified as far-right. Talk Show hosts who are normally seen as a form entertainment by the Americans also influenced voters to an unimaginable degree. A prime example of this was Barack Obama’s fundraiser hosted by Oprah Winfrey which gathered a total of $3 million for the future president. (Ingraham 71) Between 1996 and 2000, before the election during which Clinton was f acing the Lewinsky Trial, any news meant bad news for Clinton and the Democrats and their prospects of winning the election of 2000 which they lost, (Alterman 186). After 2005 any

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Educational Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Educational Psychology - Essay Example However, many critics have proved Piaget to be inaccurate about the time in which the student is developmentally ready to conserve and because children develop individually and not just static some students are able to operate at a higher level than others. Further, some students may need concrete materials to manipulate whereas others may be able to solve the problem abstractly.The author of this paper â€Å"Educational Psychology† believes that selecting the appropriate lesson is important to the success of all students but it is critical to the success of students with disabilities. For example, the teacher with students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd) may adopt a task analysis approach to the teaching of numbers. In this approach the teacher must during preparation time, systematically and sequentially go through the steps involved in the understanding of the value of eleven. The teacher must itemize each step as this procedure would become a recipe fo r understanding the value of eleven. The teacher would begin the lesson by reviewing previously taught lessons to ensure that students remember the previous concepts and are ready to move forward. Also it would focus their minds to the lesson. Once the teacher is satisfied that students have the required previous knowledge and skill, then the teacher may proceed to distribute concrete examples of the numeral ten. The teacher may then allow students to count the objects up to 10. The next step would be to add one more object and elicit from students.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Influence of The Parity Brands In Taiwan Assignment

The Influence of The Parity Brands In Taiwan - Assignment Example A research was conducted by Cheung to analyze the perception of customers on products based on various parameters like product quality, price, leadership and the difference of the brands based on the origins. Comparisons of this attributes have been carried out between national brands, international private labels, and local private labels. The hypothesis which was held for the research was that the overall quality of the products of the national brands were superior than the products which was manufactured in Taiwan but had international labels, whereas the quality of the international brands were higher than the local private labels. The second hypothesis held in the research conducted was that consumers view that the price of the national brands is higher than that of the products of the international private labels, whereas the price of the international private labels is higher than that of the local private labels. The third hypothesis for the research was that consumers had th e conception that national brands account for superior brand leadership in comparison to the international and local private label brands. The fourth and the final hypothesis for the research conducted by Cheng et al was that the brand personality of the international private brands was superior to that of the national brands and the local private labels. The research was based on primary survey and collected the views of 254 respondents all above the age of 16. The research method was based on systematic sampling and the data was gathered from the main railway station of Taipei which is located in Taiwan. In the research conducted much analysis has been done on the context of the quality of the products perceived by the customers and the factor of price has also been considered.  The study reveals that the economy of the Taiwan creates an interest among the multinational organizations to invest in the country. Owing to the flexible structure of investment, major brands have opened their business in the country. In matters of fashion brand and retail clothing, the local market is found to be largely hampered by the operation of multinational brands like Zara and Uniqlo.  Ã‚   The local brands failed to deliver the quality of the product at a lower price in comparison to the international brands and the marketing strategy of the foreign brands was also instrumental in capturing the market.

Friday, July 26, 2019

World War I's Technological innovations and its impact on modern Essay

World War I's Technological innovations and its impact on modern warfare - Essay Example Nationalism among European countries combined with growing tension and rivalries due to industrialization has led military buildups throughout the continent. Nations became aware of their neighboring nations and in response to this tension, England, France, and Russia formed an alliance which they called "Triple Entente". This alliance was aligned in preparation against Germany who allied with Austria-Hungary. Such alliances divided Europe with strict guarded borders thus the onset of an impending World War became virtually impossible to avoid. The beginning of war in Europe started when in 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir of the throne of Austria-Hungary was assassinated. Serbia was suspected to be behind the killing. Austria-Hungary attacked Serbia but it was protected by its ally, Russia. Then Germany came to the rescue for the Austrian because they were the ally of Austrian-Hungary. Militaries from different countries came to the rescue for their respective allies and the conflict grew out of scale. In more than a month, Europe and its neighboring countries were engulfed in war. But the militaries of different nations were not perplexed. This is because each of them has their own weaponries and technology to defend themselves. British Admiral Jacky Fisher wrote in 1915 that, "The war is going to be won by inventions." Weapons never been seen before such as tanks, the zeppelin, poison gas, the airplane, the submarine, and the machine gun has nevertheless fired their way through. World War I suddenly drew upon electrical technologies that had been under development for decades. Radio has become essential for communications and its transmission of voice was developed rather than codes. Electricity also contributed on the advancement of war. Battleships or tanks, for example, did had electric signaling lamps, helm indicator, fire alarms, remote control for bulkhead doors and controlled whistles which all uses electricity. Guns and turrets and raised gun magazine ammunitions also uses electricity. Incandescent and carbon-arc searchlights became usable during nighttime navigation, long-range daytime and nighttime signaling illuminates enemy ships during night engagements. Some of the most technological advances World War I has innovated and created were meant for attack and defense. These were the following: Weapons of War: Submarines. Although they had been around for decades, submarines became powerful weapons and became potential threat to any ship that sailed in deep waters. Their torpedoes can sink any ship that would invade territorial waters and these ships have become every nation's weapons in the waters. But the use of submarines was without restrictions that in May 1915 German submarine torpedoed Lusitania, a non-combatant U.S. ship killing 1,195 people on board. From then on, allied ships and submarines were outfitted with sensitive microphones that could detect engine noise from enemy submarines and ships. They developed sonar, but its development came nearly during the end of war (Museum). Aeroplanes. Ten years before the eruption of World War I, the Wright brothers have just made a second flight of their first

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Analyze how the 4 authors approached the issue of race, its history, Research Paper

Analyze how the 4 authors approached the issue of race, its history, and place within slavery - Research Paper Example The authors discussed below each represent a certain part of the African American heritage in the New World. Ira Berlin Ira Berlin in his essay â€Å"From Creole to African: Atlantic Creoles and the Origins of African-American Society in Mainland North America† discussed that not all slaves transported to the New World were not pure Africans. Instead there were a lot of people who were between Africans and European and were known better as Creole. The origination of the term Creole in early America is also traced and is indicated as an integral part of early America (Berlin, 21). Creoles are often overlooked by historians but they are an integral part of black immigrants in early America. Berlin supports his thesis by using evidence such as the opening story about Virginia’s Robert â€Å"King† Carter who renamed all of his slaves to prove his absolute power and ability to abuse slaves (Berlin, 19). The author focuses on how plantation slaves were handled and this is merged into the origins of the Creole people. The influence of the European traders in modifying large tracts of the populations along the Gold Coast and Elmina by interracial mixing of African and Europeans is also clearly demonstrated (Berlin, 22). Based on this change, Creoles were put in a position to assume roles that eventually made them important mediators between European traders and indigenous Africans (Berlin, 27). The movement of Creoles into the New World demonstrates that the influence of Dutch traders was significant in settling the Creoles in America through their bases in Curacao and New Amsterdam (Berlin, 30). Following this the author talks of various Atlantic Creoles who were established in Virginia who later diverged into other states present in early America (Berlin, 42). The end of the essay is used by the author to present various kinds of evidence used to augment the initial thesis. Margaret Washington Washington’s chapter â€Å"Gullah Roots† is based on a specific ethnic group of African slaves captured from several different African countries that were later known as the Gullah. The author argues that a majority of planters in America preferred a specific ethnic class of Africans who were adept at cultivating rice. These Africans were captured and enslaved from a region better known as the Gold Coast (Washington, 68). These slaves were subjected to masters who â€Å"also reinforced the Old World heritage† which means that these salves were subjected to inhumane treatment and were treated as people of lower status. These slaves are shown as being large contributors to modern African American culture. The author has used multiple primary sources such as a written source from the governor of Leeward Islands from 1701 (Washington, 68). This example as well as others supports the argument that slaves from the Gold Coast area were preferred. The records of Henry Laurens have also been used and reveal â€Å"a sense of prevailing attitudes toward African origins† in terms of slaves destined for the New World (Washington, 72). The author also uses secondary sources such as those related to the Muslim religion in order to augment aspects of the Gullah culture for example the Fulani and Mandinga Muslims who were settled in the mountainous regions of Sierra Leone (Washington, 76). These examples show that Muslims gained influence and authority and used it to enslave other

Managing Information 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing Information 1 - Essay Example Information system strategy incorporates the use of information technology and a range of software and hardware products that make the system efficient and fully functional (Carry 1988). According to Lucey (2005, p. 4) states, â€Å"the processing of data into information and communicating the resulting information to the user are the very essence of an MIS†. To align corporate strategy with information management mechanisms, companies need to integrate the use of management information systems in all departments. Management information system deals with the use of IT tools in speeding up business processes (Martin 2010). Some of the main fields for which integration of information systems can be useful include system analysis and design, artificial intelligence, health informatics, databases, software engineering, decision making, project management, and knowledge management. As Burke (n.d.) states, â€Å"MIS, or management information systems, are used to manage the data cr eated within the structure of a particular business†. ... related information, assists managers in developing corporate strategies based on information, helps in documentation of processed information, and assists managers in taking critical business decisions. The main purpose of using an information management system is to make effective use of latest IT tools and technologies that can support managers’ attempts to make efficient use of business information, as well as help them in carrying out different business related tasks and operations. Use of information systems has become almost essential in aligning business strategies with the corporate strategy because it establishes a useful link between technology and organizational departments along with providing assistance to the officials in carrying out business operations. In today’s world of competition, information systems are considered to be most significant essentials of success for any company or organization because it helps companies in taking right business decisi on in accordance with the corporate business strategy regarding any matter based on stored information. Information systems collect helps in collecting raw data, as well as in converting the data into useful information in such a way that it can be categorized and sent to concerned authorities (Earl 1988). We can take example of Carlson Investment Solutions Inc., which is a London based firm that deals with providing investment suggestions to clients based on information analysis (See appendix 1). The system works for the company in such a way that it stores all information and presents to the concerned departments is in the form of a well-documented report (Taken from Interview, case study). The system helps companies in setting and achieving long-term strategic goals and objectives (Earl 1996). The

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Response to Coments on DQ1 J1 and DQ2 KS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Response to Coments on DQ1 J1 and DQ2 KS - Essay Example The three types of inventory in a manufacturing operation are raw material, work in process inventory, and finished goods inventory (Garrison & Noreen). Inventory is a current asset, but this asset is not as liquid as other current assets. The most liquid current asset is cash. The multi-step income statement provides more details than the single step income statement. DQ2 I like your response and agree with you in your response because the way inventory is handled affects the profitability of a company. In the auto industry the Big Three in order to compete with international competition began to outsource part of the inventory work. Instead of producing auto parts themselves the companies the companies are outsourcing by purchasing the parts from foreign distributors. Techniques such as just in time inventory enabled managers to minimize the amount of inventory companies have in their plants. Having too much inventory is bad due to the opportunity costs associated with holding the inventory. A cost of opportunity can be defined as the alternative use that was forgone when making a decision (Varian). For example a person that decided to give up their job to become a hot dog vendor has the opportunity cost of the salary that he will stop making to sell hot dogs. Work Cited Page Garrison, R., Noreen, E. 2003. Managerial Accounting (10th ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill Irwin. Varian, H. 2003.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

Immigration - Essay Example In an ideal situation, the national government controls border crossings and movements within the states. However, the national government does not put any restrictions on border crossing, or movements and this makes entity states to make laws that address these issues. As a result, conflicts about  these laws arise, as they do not exist in the Constitution. In fact, some laws from entity states conflict with federal laws. In my opinion, children of illegal immigrants graduating from high school are entitled to in-state tuition. These children are born in the states and thus, they live in their rightfully as citizens by birth. This gets support from the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, which allows children of illegal immigrants to enjoy equal benefits with those of legal migrants (Haines & Rosenblum, 1999). These children are citizens and the constitution should protect them. It is true that parents to these children are lawbreakers, but children should not suffer for mistakes done by their parents. After all, children are innocent and they have no power over where they are born, or who are their

Monday, July 22, 2019

Jacksonian Democracy Essay Example for Free

Jacksonian Democracy Essay The Jacksonian democrats saw themselves as the guardians of the United States Constitution, political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity. However, were they really all they claimed to be? They did attempt to increase the power of lower classes while decreasing the influence of the rich and powerful. Economically, they benefited from governing during a time of huge advances in transportation, which boosted commerce and helped the common man. The Jacksonian democrats portrayed themselves as saviors of the common people, but this is a controversial subject. They were unusually wealthy, supported equality between white men only, enacted devastating economic policies, and disregarded the capability of the federal government. The Jacksonians saw themselves as guardians but as for the people, only a select few may have seen that. During the Jacksonian reign, numerous advancements sped up the growth of the United States. A market revolution occurred as cash-crop agriculture and capitalist manufacturing replaced artisan economy. Despite the prosperity, a split was emerging between the industrializing, urban north, agrarian, rural South, and the expanding West. The Jacksonians passed the Tariff of 1828, which opened opportunity for western agriculture and New England manufacturing, but was damaging to the South. Andrew Jackson believed that the US bank placed too much control into the hands of a wealthy few (Document B). Therefore, Jackson vetoed the banks re-charter in 1832. In attempt to benefit the lower, working classes, he placed the federal money in pet state banks. This attempt weakened the national currency. Like most Jacksonian economic policies, it failed. Jacksonians tried to assist only the whites through economic policies but failed in that also. Foreign visitors viewed that in America, every man is free and independent (Document D), but there was great division in American attitude. Disturbances and riots broke out across the country by minorities (Document E), because they were not included in the equality efforts of the Jacksonians, which were focused on white males. Jacksons hypocrisy and brutality in his Indian removal practices showed the non-universal  principles held by the democrats. The unconstitutional, uneven power in the three branches of government was revealed when Jackson violated chief justice Marshalls decision on the Cherokee when he forced them out. Resulting in the Trail of Tears(Document G) Fearful of angering Southern voters, Jacksonians veered away from extending equality policies to slaves. Women as well received little betterment during the Jacksonian era. Although viewed as defenders of all common men, Jacksonian democrats shunned minorities and only assisted white men. Andrew Jackson was the first president to fully use the powers of the executive branch and establish it as an equal if not superior branch. Henry Clay viewed Jackson as dictatorial and unconstitutional and tried to make others see that, but Jacksonian propaganda continued to portray Jackson as a common man. Jacksonian democrats did not keep the three branches of government separate and equal, like it says in the constitution. Jacksonians were strict constitutionalists, vetoing things that did not benefit the whole country and eliminating the bank. However, they also participated in the burning nationalism existing at the time. Jacksonians believed in a firm union. In the compromise Tariff of 1832, they reduced the previous tariffs, but also included a Force Bill, which authorized the President to use arms to collect dues in South Carolina, which goes against the Jacksonian belief in states rights and their disbelief in a strong military. Jacksonian democrats were above all outstanding propagandists. They were able to portray themselves as defenders of the common man, while they usually tended to be anything but common. They were wealthy and often thought that common man officials were inefficient and corrupt. They also tried to further reform movements but ended up hurting the economic opportunity. Although often supporters of states rights and individuality, they also were strong nationalists. Jacksonians strived to preserve the unifying principles that the Constitution contained, but acted in opposition of it when they asserted the overwhelming power of the executive branch. Jacksonian democracy did allow more people to vote than ever before and made government more directly responsible to the people. Finally, they established a strong executive, directly responsible to the people, and  increased faith in government. Overall, Jacksonians honestly attempted to help common Americans.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Amylase Activity In Germinating Barley

Amylase Activity In Germinating Barley Amylase is a calcium dependent enzyme which hydrolyzes complex carbohydrates at alpha 1,4-linkages to form maltose and glucose. Amylase is an enzyme found in the germinating seeds. Imbibition process causes the release of growth plant hormone gibberelin which stimulates the synthesis of amylase. The activity of the amylase enzyme is affected by many factors such as temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, and the presence of any inhibitors or activators. In germinating barley, the food reserves are stored in the endosperm. The cotyledons store food for the use of embryo in the form of starch. Amylase enzyme breaks down starch into maltose, a chain of two glucose molecules Maltose then breaks down into glucose by the enzyme glucosidase. Glucose then enters the glycolytic pathway where it is used for the production of ATP and carbon molecules for biosynthesis. Glucose is used for the growth of plumule and radicle. This process is also known as the germination pro cess. The emergence of plumule and radicle indicate that the seeds have germinated. In germinated seeds, the blue colour of the Benedicts solution change to brick-red precipitate indicating the presence of glucose while maintaining the yellowish-brown colour of the iodine solution indicating the absence of starch. However, in non-germinated seeds, the yellowish-brown colour of the iodine solution change to blue black indicating the presence of starch while maintaining the blue colour of the Benedicts solution indicating the absence of glucose. Most of the time, when all the starch have been used up, the seedling capable of undergoing photosynthesis to produce energy and carbon. Hypothesis The higher the amylase activity, the higher the rate of seed germination. This is observed by a higher change in length of plumule and radicle. Hence, when performing the Benedicts test, the concentration of brick-red precipitate is higher seedlings and the solution remains blue for the dormant seed. Aim The aim of the experiment was to extract amylase from barley and to use it for the catalysis of a biochemical reaction hence investigating the amylase activity during seed germination. Materials and methods Ten germinating seeds were taken and using a paper towel, the germinants were patted dry and the weight of the germinating seeds were recorded. Next, using a mortar and pestle, the 10 germinating seeds were crushed into a puree. Slowly adding 10 ml of buffer, the germinating seeds were further crushed for two minutes. This will allow the amylase to go into the solution. The crushed seeds was filtered into a 100 ml beaker and the amylase extract was poured into a measuring cylinder. The volume of amylase extract was recorded. A five-fold dilution of the latter was done by pipetting 5 ml of the amylase extract and adding 20 ml of buffer to make up a total volume of 25 ml. This mixture is called the diluted amylase extract. A control was then done by adding 5 ml of the diluted amylase extract in a test tube and placing it in a water bath at 80o C for 10 minutes. When the 10 minutes have elapsed the control was removed and allow to cool to room temperature. Next the activity of amylase per mass of germinating barley tissue is to be determined. For this, onto ceramic plates, one drop of iodine was placed into 21 wells. A reaction mixture was then prepared by adding 5 ml buffer and 1 ml of 0.5% starch solution in a test tube. Then using a pasteur pipette, one drop of the reaction mixture was removed and added to one drop of the iodine. The iodine turned blue black. This was done to ensure the presence of starch in the reaction mixture. The previously made diluted amylase extract is thoroughly remix and 1 ml of the latter was added to the reaction mixture. The mixture is called amylase reaction mixture. (As soon as the amylase reaction mixture was prepared, reaction started. Amylase started to break down starch into simple sugars). Immediately, starting with well 0 on the ceramic plate, one drop of amylase reaction mixture was added to the iodine using a pasteur pipette. At one minute interval, another drop of the amylase reaction mixture was added to another well. This was repeated until the achromic point was reached. When the achromic point had been reached, the time elapsed was recorded. Once the achromic point was reached, the amylase reaction mixture was kept for the determination of maltose. (Note: Benedicts reagent gives a red-yellow precipitate of cuprous oxide when boiled with maltose. This reaction does not occur with starch.) In a test tube, 2 ml of the amylase reaction mixture and 2 ml of Benedicts reagent was added. A control reaction mixture was also prepared by adding 5 ml buffer and 1 ml of 0.5% starch solution but without the amylase extract. 2 ml of the control reaction mixture was then added in a test tube along with 2 ml of Benedicts reagent. Both the Benedicts reagent tubes were placed in a water bath at 80oC for 10 minutes and then examined for presence of cuprous oxide precipitate. All of the above steps were then repeated but with dormant seeds and seedlings. All data were then recorded for further investigation.

Distinction Between Marginal Cost And Incremental Cost Economics Essay

Distinction Between Marginal Cost And Incremental Cost Economics Essay 2) (a) What is the distinction between marginal cost and incremental cost? (b) How are sunk costs treated in managerial decision making? Why (a)Incremental costs are closely related to the concept of marginal cost but with a relatively wider connotation. While marginal cost refers to the change in total cost resulting from producing an additional unit of output, incremental cost refers to total additional cost associated with the decision to expand output or to add a new variety of product etc. It represents the difference between two alternatives. So both are concerned with the change in the total cost where marginal costs refers to the increase or decrease in that results from producing or distributing an additional unit of output and, incremental cost refers to the change in the total output as a result of change in the methods of production or distribution such as addition of a product or territory, use of improved technology or selection of a additional sales channel. (b)A sunk cost is a cost that has been already incurred and cannot be changed or altered by any decision made now or in future. For example , once it is decided to make incremental investment expenditure and funds are allocated and spent, all preceding cost are considered as sunk cost. Such cost are based on prior commitment and cannot be revised or recovered when there is a change in market condition or in business decision makings. The sunk cost are ignored in managerial decision making as they are irrelevant costs which will not affect the decision. Suppose a company paid $50000 to purchase machinery five years back. The machine was used to produce for last few years and now it is obsolete and no longer can be sold .The amount paid is already incurred and cannot be recovered. So the cost of the obsolete machine will not be considered in making managerial decisions. (8) What shape of the LAC curve has been found in many empirical studies? What does this mean for the survival of small firms in the industry? Answer: In the empirical studies the shape of long run average cost curve to be L-shaped with a scale of economics . This means largest firms tend to have cost advantage and the industry tends to become monopoly which is called natural monopoly. The L-shaped shows that per unit producing a product decline initially and then forms L- shaped which cost advantage for longer period resulting to economies of scale due to optimum utilization of recourses. It was believed that economics outstrips diseconomies of scale as firms expand from small size up to a certain size. For the smaller firms in the industry will face diseconomies of scale and no economic profit as there will be lesser amount of recourses and output level.As marginal cost are raising function of rate of out and falling function of the volume. (9) (a) What is the meaning of economies of scope? How do they differ from economies of scale? (b) What do learning curves show? How do they differ from economies of scale? What is the usefulness of learning curves as a managerial tool? What is the reason for rising international trade in inputs and the use of foreign skilled labor? Answer: (a) Economies of scope exist if a firm can produce several product lines at a given output level more cheaply than a combination of separate firms each producing a single product at the same output level. Economies of scope occur where it is cheaper to produce a  wider range of products  rather than specialize in just a handful of products. Expanding the product range to  exploit the value of existing brands  is a good way of exploiting economies of scope. E.g. Amazon expanding into selling toys, sports goods or McDonalds expanding the range of their products to include salads and health foods. Economies of scope is relatively a new approach to business strategy, and is heavily based on the development of high technology. Economies of scale are reductions in average costs imputable to production volume increases. Economies of scope differ from economies of scale in that a firm receives a cost advantage by producing a complementary variety of products with a concentration on a core competency. While economies of scope and scale are often positively correlated and interdependent, strictly speaking the benefits from scope have little to do with the size of output. (b)The aircraft industry was the first to develop the learning curve. The curve that represents the declining trend in the long run average cost of production is called the learning curve. Economies of scale is the are the reduction in average cost as the result of increase in production volume whereas learning curve shows the graphical presentation of the falling average cost curve with respect to increase in production. The learning curve is widely used by business managers and serves as an important managerial tool to foresee and predict the possible trend in long run average cost of production and plan production accordingly. The basic purpose behind the use learning curve is to forecast the unit cost with cumulative increase in output. It is also used to forecast manpower, machinery, material needs of the company, to determine and quote the future competitive price of the product and for planning production. (c) International trade is the exchange of goods, services and capital across the international territory or borders. The use of foreign labor will be more costly due to the reason that borders imposes additional costs such as tariffs , time costs due to border delays and costs associated country difference . A rise in the use of foreign skilled labor will have a direct impact in the international trade resulting in an increase in the imports which may affect the balance of trade. Chapter 7 Problems 2) Given the following total cost schedule of a firm, (a) derive the total fixed cost and total variable cost schedule of the firm, and from them derive the average fixed cost, average variable cost, average total cost, and marginal cost schedules of the firm. Q 0 1 2 3 4 5 TC $30 50 60 81 118 180 Answer: Total cost = Total fixed cost +Total variable cost Marginal cost= Total cost of producing additional unit total cost of producing the previous unit. Average variable cost=Total variable cost/Number of units Average fixed cost=Total fixed cost / Number of units Total average cost=Average fixed cost + Average variable cost Q 0 1 2 3 4 5 TC $30 50 60 81 118 180 TFC $30 30 30 30 30 3 TVC $0 20 30 51 88 150 MC $ 20 10 21 37 62 ATC $ 50 30 27 29.5 36 AFC $ 30 15 10 7.5 6 AVC $ 20 15 17 22 36 3) Airway Express has an evening flight from Los Angeles to New York with an average of 80 passengers and a return flight the next afternoon with an average of 50 passengers. The plan makes no other trip. The charge for the plane remaining in New York overnight is $1,200 and would be $0 in Los Angeles. The airline is considering eliminating the night flight out of Los Angeles and replacing it with a morning flight. The estimated number of passengers is 70 in the morning flight and 50 in the return afternoon flight. The one-way ticket is $200 for any flight. The operating cost of the plane for each flight is $11,000. The fixed costs for the plane are $3000 a day whether it flies or not. 3(a): Please calculate and compare the profit under each flight. 3(b) is asking should Airway Express continue providing the flight between Los Angeles and New York. Even Airway Express decides not to fly, it still have to pay the fixed costs of $3,000 per day. Answer-Given, Cost of the ticket =$200 Operating cost =$11,000 Fixed cost=$3000 Overnight charge=$1,200 Total cost = $11,000+$3,000+$1,200=$15,200 I. Profit for the evening flight from Los Angeles to New York which has average passengers of 80 and cost of the tickets is given as $200 so the average revenue will be $16,000. Profit=Revenue-Cost $16,000-$15,200 $800 Thus, average Profit for the flight is $800 II. Profit for the afternoon flight next day from New York to Los Angeles carrying average passengers of 50, so the average revenue will be $10000 Profit=$10,000 -$15,200 -5,200 The fight is showing average loss of $5,200 III. Profit for the morning flight eliminating with the night flight from Los Angeles to New York carrying an average passengers of 70, the revenue will be $14,000. Cost of operation =fixed cost + operating cost $3,000+$11,000 $14000 Profit=Revenue earned cost incurred $14000 $14000 $0 The flight is nor earning average profit or average loss. IV. Profit for the afternoon flight from New York to Los Angeles with estimated passengers of 50, the revenue will be $10,000 Profit=$10,000-$14000 $4000 The flight is incurring loss of $4000. (b)The Airway express flying evening flight from Los Angeles is earning a profit of $800 with average passengers of 80 and whereas incurring loss of $5,200 in the return trip. In the next case, the airline is making no profit and no loss in the morning flight from Los Angeles to New York, whereas making a loss of $4000 in the return trip . The airline should discontinue providing flights between Los Angeles and New York. Although, it has a fixed cost of $3000 per day which come to $90,000 but the airline will be incurring huge cost of $14000 per day which comes to $42, 00,000 in a month. So it would be a better option to discontinue the operation of the airline from Los Angeles to New York. 4) Electric utility companies usually operate their most modern and efficient equipment continuously (i.e. around the clock) and use their older less efficient equipment only to meet periods of peak demand. 4(a) Will the short-run marginal cost decrease or increase? Answer: Electric Utility firms retire old plants, modernize generating units, and occasionally build new plants, generally after a lengthy period of licensing, regulatory review, and construction. But this not possible in short run as in short run there are fixed factors which cannot be changed in short run as they tend to use their older less efficient equipment to meet the periods of peak demand. In Electric utility companies variable cost consist mainly energy costs. Fixed cost are the cost which cannot be changed with the level of output and in electric utility companies fixed are analogues to capacity cost. As a result the marginal cost in the short run decreases . The reason is the marginal cost curve will turn up when utility will be forced to less efficient during on peak-periods. 11) The Goldberg-Scheinman Publishing Company is publishing a new managerial economics text for which it has estimated the following total fixed and average variable costs: Total fixed costs: Copy editing $10,000 Typesetting $70,000 Selling and promotion $20,000 Total fixed cost $100,000 Average Variable cost: Printing and binding $6 Administrative costs $2 Sales commission $1 Bookstore discounts $7 Authors royalties $4 Average variable cost $20 Project selling price $30 Determine the breakeven output and total sales revenues. (b) Determine the output that would generate a total profit of $60,000 and the total sales revenues at that output level. Answer: (a)At the breakeven point is the point where cost and revenue are equal. Calculations: Breakeven point (sales) =Fixed cost/(Selling price -Variable cost) =$100,000/($30-$20) =$10,000 Breakeven output=$10,000/$30 =333.3 units (b)Sales=Variable cost + fixed cost +profit =$20+$100000+$60000 =$160020 Output level-$160020/$30 =5334 units. Chapter 8 Discussion 2) (a) Under what conditions should a firm continue to produce in the short run if it incurs losses at the best level of output? (b) Are the normal returns on investment included as part of costs or as part of profits in managerial economics? Why Answer: In short run, there is only one variable input (labor) and other inputs (especially capital) are held constant. In other words, the size of labor may increase or decrease but the capital and other inputs will remain fixed. If the Incurs losses at its best level of output then, the firm should try to reduce marginal cost and operate at the level where marginal and average product are positive or increasing. If price falls below average total cost, but remains above average variable cost, the firm will continue to operate in the short run, producing the quantity where  MR  =  MC  doing so minimizes its losses. Whereas If price falls below average variable cost, the firm will shut down in the short run, reducing output to zero. The lowest point on the average variable cost curve is called the shutdown point. (b)Normal returns on investment is also referred as normal profit, is the level of profit required to keep the engaged in a particular activity .The normal rate of return is the Average profit necessary to attract and retain investment .A normal rate of return, or profit, is necessary to induce individuals to invest funds rather than spend them for current consumption. Normal profit is simply a cost for capital as it is no different from the cost of other recourses (materials, energy or labor).As a result , the normal rate of return are included as a part of cost in managerial economics. 8) What happen to the Dollar price that a U.S. (a) importer pays and (b) exporter receives if prices are agreed in Euros and the Dollar then appreciates by 10 percent with respect to the Euro? Answer: The exchange rate is the price of one currency expressed in terms of another. If the importer pays i.e. in dollars to the foreign country and the value of the foreign country currency is devalued the dollar value of promised payment will fall. Whereas if the foreign currency value appreciates the dollar value of the promised payment will rise resulting to a disfavor to the importer country. If prices are agreed in Euros and the Dollar then appreciates by 10 percent with respect to the Euro and the exporters pay, the value of the promised payment will fall. 13) (a) What are the choice-related variables for a firm under monopolistic competition? (b) What is non-price competition? (c) Product Variation? (d) Selling expenses? Answer: (a)Monopolistic competition is defined as market setting in which large number of sellers sells differentiated products. A firm will produce output where MR=MC. The consumers are willing to purchase given amount of product for the given price. The price is determined by demand curve. In short run firms can give positive profits .Positive profits encourages new firms to enter in the market. In the long run due to the entrance of new firms economic profit is zero i.e. P=AC. The main objective of firms under monopolistic competition is profit maximization. (b)Non price competition- The market situation in which firms or the competitors will not lower the price for a fear of price war. So, instead they focus on extensive promotion to highlight distinctive features or benefit of the products. It refers to the competition among firms that choose to distinguish between their products on the basis of attribute, design are non price means e.g. promotions, style etc. It is often used by firms that want to differentiate between virtually identical products. The reason for this is that firms are that operate in monopolistic competition are the price taker as they do not have the influence in changing the price of their goods. Consequently to distinguish themselves they use the strategy of non price such as product innovation and advertisement. (c) Product variations-Product variation is the change in the product properties or features in timing. For example, passenger cars companies bring new models out in the exiting classs e.g. Gulf I, gulf II. Product variation is the modification by changing one or more features of the product to enhance consumer appeal .It will provide a competitive advantage as the company may be able to charge a higher price and enhance loyalty. The variation is made on quality, performance and design. The product variation is, thus, the improvements in the existing product line with new features, appearance, better quality, better performance etc giving a new outlook to it. (d)Selling expenses-Selling expenses are the part of operating expenses along with administrative expenses. Selling expense is the cost incurred to sell or distribute merchandise .Selling expenses includes advertising, sales commission, promotional materials distributed, salaries and fringe benefits of sales personnel , rent of sales office, utilities usage in the sales department. Chapter 8 Problems:- 2) Starting with the market demand and supply functions in Problem 1, determine algebraically the new equilibrium price and quantity if the demand function changes to QD= 12,000- 1,000P or to QD= 8,000- 1,000P. (b) the market supply function changes to QS*= -4,000+1,000P or to QS**= 1,000P. Solution: We know , at the equilibrium point Quantity supplied equals quantity demanded i.e. QD=QS or QS=QD We have, QD=10000-1000P QS= -2000-1000P If demand function changes to QD=12000-1000P or QD=8000-1000 We get , 12000-1000P=2000-1000P -1000P+1000P= -12000P-2000P P = 12000 P= 12000 The new equilibrium price will be $12000 BY substituting the value of P in the demand function and supply function, 12000-1000(12000)=-2000-1000(12000) 12000-120,00,000= -2000-120,00,000 14000 The new equilibrium quantity is 14000 For market supply function, QS= 4000 +1000P or QS=1000P Now, the equation will be 10000-1000P=-4000+1000P -1000P-1000P= -4000- 10000 -P= -14000 P=14000 The equilibrium price is $16000 By substituting the value of P, will be , 10000-1000P=1000P 10000-1000(16000)=-4000+1000(16000) 10000-140,00,000=-4000+140,00,000 6000 The equilibrium quantity will be 6000 7) From Figure 8-4, determine the effect of a 33 percent import tariff on commodity X. * The tariff-inclusive price will be $3(1+.33) = $4. What are the impacts of tariff on domestic consumption, domestic production, imports, and governments tariff revenue? Please show the numbers, for example, the domestic consumption will decrease from 600X to 500X. Solution: The tariff inclusive price will be $3(1+.33)=$4 , the price of the commodity will be $4 and as a result the price of the commodity X will rise from $3 to $4.Tariff is a tax added to the costs imported goods and sometimes to exported goods. The domestic consumption will decrease due to the addition of tariff which will result to an increase in the price of the commodity. As the price of the commodity will increase, the demand for the commodity will decline which will result in a reduction in consumption from 600X to 500X. The domestic production will increase as the producers in the importing country will experience an increase in well-being as a result of tariff from 200X to 300X. The increase in the price of their product on the domestic market increases producer surplus in the industry. The government tariffs revenue will increase as a result of increase in tariffs as governments receives the tariff and also depends on the way how the government spends. 9) Starting from Figure 8-6 showing the short-run price and output determination by the monopolist, suppose that the average fixed costs of the monopolist increase by $5 and that its AVC is $6 less than the new ATC at the best level of output. ATC=AFC+AVC. After AFC increases by $5, ATC will increase by $5 (ATC curve moves up vertically by $5 for every output Q) and MC, D and MR stay the same. The AFC for 500 units is $6, in other words, the TFC is $3,000. Answer: Average total cost-Average fixed cost + Average variable cost Given ATC=$8, a increase in average fixed cost $5 and AVC is $6 less then, After the increase in AFC the ATC will be appreciated by $5 as a result of this ATC curve will move upwards vertically by $5 for every level of output. The best level of out is where MC=MR which is 500 units. AFC for best level of output i.e. 500 is $6 and TFC is $30,000.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Showalter’s Analysis of Chopin’s The Awakening Essay -- Chopin Awakeni

Showalter’s Analysis of Chopin’s The Awakening In â€Å"Tradition and the Female Talent: The Awakening as a Solitary Book,† Elaine Showalter makes a compelling argument that â€Å"Edna Pontellier’s ‘unfocused yearning’ for an autonomous life is akin to Kate Chopin’s yearning to write works that go beyond female plots and feminine endings† (204). Urging her reader to read The Awakening â€Å"in the context of literary tradition,† Showalter demonstrates the ways in which Chopin’s novel both builds upon and departs from the tradition of American women’s writing up to that point. Showalter begins with the antebellum novelists’ themes of women’s roles as mothers—especially the importance of the mother-daughter relationship—and women’s attachments with one another and then moves to the local colorists of the post-Civil War who claimed male and female models but who wrote that motherhood was not a suitable partner for the true artist. Accord ing to these women writers, a woman had to choose to be either an artist or a wife and mother; one negatively affected the other. The literary history then delves...

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Character of the Curate and Marian in Old Mrs. Chundle by Thomas Ha

The Character of the Curate and Marian in 'Old Mrs Chundle' In Thomas Hardy's short story, 'Old Mrs Chundle', the Curate is a well-respected, well-mannered and considerate man. He is determined to spread the word of God to Mrs Chundle. Mrs Chundle is also a considerate woman. She does not regularly visit the church and lives alone in South Wales. At the beginning of the story, the Curate asks for some lunch from Mrs Chundle. At first Mrs Chundle did not hear the Curate, so he has to repeat what he asked earlier. The Curate is an open man; he is not ashamed of asking food from others and is willing to dine with an old woman. This shows that the Curate is a friendly man and he does not judge people. The Curate strikes up a friendly conversation, which eventually leads to Mrs Chundle lying about visiting the church once a week. Due to this, the Curate thinks he and Mrs Chundle have something in common as ho belongs in the same church, which Mrs Chundle lied about. He hopes to see Mrs Chundle again which shows that the curate has become quite friendly with her and also shows that he is a pleasant man. When the Curate is talking to his rector, he finds out about the lie Mrs Chundle told. His view of Mrs Chundle changes for a short while. He now thinks of her as a wicked woman. In Eudor Welty's short story, 'A Visit Of Charity', Marian is a typical 14-year-old teenager. She is a campfire girl trying to gain a few points by visiting old ladies in an 'Old Ladies Home'. At the beginning of the story, Marian, holding a potted plant, jumps off the bus, stops for a moment besides a prickly dark shrub and then proceeds towards the Old Ladies Home. She says to the nurse at the desk, 'I'm a Campfire girl I ... ...had not avoided her, Mrs Chundle would have had the joy of listening to God's words once more before she had died. Marian had not particularly learnt an important lesson. She is only a young adolescent. The only reason she had visited the old ladies was for a few points. When Marian came out of the Old Ladies Home, the first thing she did was take out her apple from under the bush and took a bite out of it. This shows that Marian was not affected in anyway from her experience with the old ladies. She had not gone to visit the old ladies out of her own choice but only for herself. The Curate had learnt the most from his experience as he showed the signs of confusion, guilt and had to ask for forgiveness from God. Marian had just taken a bite out of her apple as soon as she got out. She showed no signs of sympathy and compassion toward the old ladies.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Taste of American Pie :: Ethnicity Mexican American Essays

A Taste of American Pie Sunday morning. The smell of flour tortillas warming on the kitchen stove would waft all the way to my room. I could hear the radio play scratchy ranchera tunes to which my mother always seemed to know the words. If I lay long enough in bed, my mother would walk in the room and try to wake me up, resorting to singing my name or an old Spanish nursery rhyme if all else failed. Ask me where home is, and I'll tell you just this. This is home. This is me. All I've ever known is Mexican culture. Both of my parents were born in Mexico, and I myself have never lived more than a few hours from the border. I've never known a Christmas without tamales or a September 16 th without celebration. But I am not just Mexican. I am Mexican-American. MÃ ©xico may be home, but America is where I live. I find here in college that I am just beginning to learn what it means to be American. I used to think that I would find that meaning through a sort of duality; anything that was n't Mexican or part of the minority would have to be American. Ironically, the idea of "Americanness" was closer to home. I've come to realize that to be American is to know and share myself. America is a conglomerate of many cultures. As such, it possesses no single, distinct culture. There is no one overarching "American" culture that is independent of all those that make it up. The supposed "melting pot" of peoples is not exactly an accurate portrayal of America. This nation is dotted with cultural enclaves that nurture their own customs and traditions rather than fuse them with others. I, for one, would not give up my Mexican identity to become simply American. I am sure that many would agree that we are all more than American. Each culture, therefore, remains fundamentally unique, never really "melting" into another. To call yourself "American" is to recognize that you are a small, albeit integral, part of a greater phenomenon.

Is it true that Adolf Hitler is the son of Rizal Essay

This is absolutely absurd, but since some fairly educated people actually want to believe it, I write this column.The argument is that Rizal had a German connection, he studied in Heildelberg, and being the Pinoy Don Juan he probably sired a son (why not a Daughter?) who later turned out to Adolf Hitler. Hitler was born 1889, and Rizal left Germany in 1887. Unless Hitler was a delayed baby, that is highly improbable. Although there is no resemblance between the two, it is argued that unlike the tall, blond and blue-eyed Germans, Hitler wanted to propagate into the â€Å"master race,’ Hitler himself was small of stature had dark hair and dark eyes. I would counter this argument by explaining that, contrary to popular belief, Hitler was Austrian not a German. But then Rizal visited in Austria in May 1887 and according to Rizal’s traveling companion, Max Viola, he did spend a night with an unknown Austrian woman. Viola remembers that they were billeted in the Hotel Metropole, Vienna and Rizal â€Å"†¦encountered the figure of a temptress in the form of Viennese woman, of the family of the Camelliasor Margarite of extraordinary beauty and irresistible attraction, who seemingly had been expressly invited to offer for a moment the cup of mundane pleasure to the apostle of the Philippine freedom who until the had enjoyed among his intimates the fame worthy of his glorious namesake, St. Joseph. With the exception of this case I knew of no other slip of Rizal during more than six months of our living together.†

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cause and Effect- Steroids

Ca employ and pith abridgment 1 A sustain and progeny Metacognative epitome Bryan J. Critical Reading and Thinking, Section 409 bound 11, 2010 travail and issuing Analysis 2 Casual Metacognitive Analysis Introduction I am foc apply on the commence and strength genre in this composing to swear the subscriber ab start sex hormones and how they pack fabricate a super acid phenomenon among athletes. What much or less good deal w tot upethorn non admit ar the ban make steroids wee on a souls intellectual/spiritual, social-emotion, and physical appearance.For instance, a person on steroids may necessitate an ordered social- aflame relationship with others due to the ontogeny in testosterone, causing m any users to thump out with violence and rage, a confines that has been coined roid rage. My purpose in writing this try out is to shed light on the forbid set up of steroids. By using pose and meat you will be up to(p) to determine the causality, whi ch is steroids, and the many an(prenominal) diametrical personal effectuate they make believe. This is an important tool to really assign merely how a substance interchange equal anabolic steroids coffin nail come to someone.It is in akin manner important for my field of honor of study, exercise science, to memorise people intimately(predicate) the minus spot effects. Cause and effect analysis has taught me how to become a check proof referee, and writer, by video display me exactly how to analyze what Im cultivation, and crap it sink it, rather than go in one ear and out the other. The use of causal agent and effect in this essay will give the reader a more in erudition perspective of the effects steroids have on the human body. Audit Awa atomic flesh 18ness For this essay I chose two obliges to comp be and contrast.The starting signal expression I chose was Performance enhancement is non the hardly effect of androgenic-anabolic steroids in athlet es. The first condition by ADIS world(prenominal) control did an excellent job giving us an in depth look on the ins and outs of steroid use. The scrap name I chose was titled High-Dose Anabolic Cause and Effect Analysis 3 sex hormones in inditeization Athletes Effects upon Hostility and Aggression, scripted by P. Y. L. Choi, A. C. Parrott, and D. Cowan. This oblige is an account of tests that P. Y. L. Choi et al. onstructed sequence testing the effects that steroid use has on strength athletes. It used a control group, that contained non users, and a group of cardinal subjects on steroids. Both articles spoke of the interdict case effects that steroids have, and described their uses. The second article, however, had more detail and forgetd real demeanor examples of how far steroids could affect someone, detrimentally. FOR INSTANCE maculation evaluating some(prenominal) articles I noniced that the render provided was relevant to the claim each was essay to make, that steroids generally provide more disallow effects than good ones.The second article provided graphs to show the different levels of aggression and repugnance in the subjects world tested, and the first article did non. Both articles had contradictions that could sway a reader away from believing that steroids were a negative alternative to supplementing. In the second article P. Y. L Choi et al. discuss how their study could be weak, It was open rather than blind. dose conditions varied widely between subjects. all over all, each article provided substantial exhibit leaning a reader to recall steroid use provides more negative effects than positive.I believe the generators in article one and two had the purpose of screening how steroids work, and to show how using them could lead to near health risks and emotional instabilities, which could damage relationships you have with others. Nature of Casual Argument thither was one cause for this subject steroids. However, it had duple effects, such as work enhancement, and the evil side effects including change magnitude aggression, hostility, fall sex drive, weight gain, infertility, cardiovascular risks, and interfered with personalised Cause and Effect Analysis 4 elationships. The causation for this article used a chart that gave a description of how steroids un natural both masculine and females. In males it had acne, outgrowth facial and body hair, increased rapacious behavior, increased appetite, and balding. In females it reduced booby size, menstrual irregularities, deepening of the voice, and enlarging the clitoris. bit stating the negative side effects this article too included legitimate purposes for using steroids. Steroids potty treat developing retardation, breast carcinoma, osteoporosis, edema, and anemia.What this article is assay to state, however, is that when used improperly, such as using more than the recommended dose, generally for enhancement purposes, the eff ects abide be negative. illuminating Article Summary The article comes from a textbook entitled Drugs & Therapy Perspective, the title of the article is Performance enhancement is not the except effect of androgenic-anabolic steroids in athletes. The article dialog about effects other than near mental process enhancement when using steroids. The conditions opinion appears to be that steroids are not the way to go for enhancing performance athletically.This article first talks about how steroids work. Anabolic steroids are understood and al near guaranteed in all cases to create a deepened voice, increasing the users power, and creating more hair on your body. There are two different ways steroids can be used through obligatory doctor prescribed means, or by personal use, normally involving higher doses of the drug. While steroids can be beneficial in treating certain conditions dealing with its remedial use, it can also be used in frowned upon ways such as increased doses for personal use, in hopes of seeing results whether it is in competition or for muscle mass.Some of the main, and most common side effects steroids have, are an increase in the users weight, power gains, Cause and Effect Analysis 5 and problems with their physical and emotional good organism. While stating that it does make some people stronger, it gives selective information from studies to show that anabolic steroids provide no long term energy. near athletes have unfavor fit effects when abusing steroids. Steroid abuse can also lead to infertility, cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, heart attacks, heart fall awayr, and nonetheless mortality.Towards the end of the article it talks about the effects that a persons mental state goes through, such as increased rage, and lack of patience or short fuse. It ends off by including more effects to the many we directly know, by adding in that if taken during your adolescent stages, your growth plates c bear up and your growth ma y be stunted Authorial persona The authors main steer in writing this essay is to inform his audience which may consist of athletes, any people currently on steroids, or even people just intellection about them.This gives detailed accounts of effects that steroids have, and the ill side effects. The article responds to any arguments that the readers may have by suggesting positive steroid use, and goes on to say that when abusing them, just like any other drug, you would more much than not receive adverse effects from anabolic steroids. Read Like a Writer When stating the positive uses for steroids, such as therapeutic reasons, it provides an answer for anyone who has an argument for steroids. It reaches common ground with the readers by providing several different side effects rather than just one.For instance, in (para. 7) The abuse of AASs in honorable young athletes has been associated with serious cardiovascular events (e. g. cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, QT disper sionacute heart failure and sudden cardiac Cause and Effect Analysis 6 death. The cause and effect argument is made by communicate the reader of the many dangerous side effects that relates to steroid abuse, as seen in the previous sentence. The author incorporates counterpunch joust by information relevant to both males and females, rather than just one sex.By doing this he has now expanded his argument to a more vast audience. The author is not one-hundred percent against steroids, just the abuse of them, and it is not biased in doing so. This provides for a hearty written article, and one that anyone could read and return being well informed of the adverse side effects of steroids, and not have much of an argument for them. Before reading this article I was not cognizant of over half of the effects steroids have on the human body and impression taking them in the offseason for baseball wouldnt be such a expectant idea.After reading this article and fashioning a cause and effect essay on it, I was really able to pinchly see that the side effects exceed any achievable goal in which one may meet. Information Literacy The author for this article is unknown, merely it comes from an accredited journal titled Drugs & Therapy Perspective and was written in 2005. It is a rather recent article, and provides right information on the use, and abuse of steroids. It provides information from different studies, and self-reports to show the adverse effects of steroid abuse.In (para. 4) The author goes into the legitimate therapeutic reasons one may consider in taking steroids AASs have a number of legitimate therapeutic uses including the treatment of male hypogonadism and growth retardation. and some forms of anemia. The authors objective is not only having one side on steroids, provided showing the positive with the negative. They presents the subject in a way that anyone could read and visit just what would happen if they were to abuse steroids. Cause a nd Effect Analysis 7 maestro ScenarioAfter reading this article I am now able to apply the fellowship Ive learned to my charge. I am planning on going into the field of exercise science, and wish to train athletes. I will never suggest to anyone Im training to abuse steroids, but rather avoid them entirely, and to enhance their performance naturally through over the counter vitamins, plenty of exercise, and eating healthy. There is no need to take steroids unless you want the weak way out. The negative side effects of them outweigh, in my opinion, the positive effects.While they may increase some performance, and make your muscles larger, they can affect you for the rest of your vivification by making you infertile, aggressive, or may end your life permanently. Also, I am an athlete myself, I play baseball, and Ive seen so many athletes succumb to steroids, and end up losing their career over it. Every year haemorrhoid of MLB players are found to be on steroids, and are suspen ded, and their reputation and records ruined forever. You lose all respect, and dignity, when the fact that youre using steroids to comes into the light.They may make you faster, or hit a ball harder, but when someone finds out those monster homeruns were boosted by being chemically induced, instead of a natural gift, or a result from being the best you can be, you basically lose the joy of every homerun youve ever hit, or base youve ever stolen. Conclusion The author does a great job in providing sufficient details in this cause and effect analysis. The author touched on a lot of the physical and emotional problems you will run into when dealing with abusing steroids.It becomes clear to me at the end of reading this that steroids are not up to par on the risk to reward plain. His use of steroids as his cause provides for a Cause and Effect Analysis 8 multiple effect pattern. I am now richly aware of what really happens to your body when you bodge with this type of drug. Having kn owledge on this result will benefit me in my major(ip) because I am now able to preach to young athletes the dangers, and can now make some safer alternatives to performance enhancement. I am a better reader because of the cause and effect genre.Thanks to cause and effect I am now able to see all points the author is trying to make in his argument and better understand the effects of any cause someone may write about. Cause and Effect Analysis 9 References ADIS International Limited. (2005). Drug reactions and interactions. Performance enhancement is not the only effect of androgenic-anabolic steroids in athletes. Drugs ther perspect 2005 Vol. 21, no(prenominal) 8 Choi, P. Y. L Parrott, A. C. and Cowan, D. (1990) High-Dose Anabolic Steroids in Strength Athletes Effects upon Hostility and Aggression. homophile Psychopharmacology 1990 Vol. 5, pages (349-356).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural features like the amount of uncertainty long-term and secondary prevention orientation particularly could appear to be useful when further segmenting countries regarding the potential of e-commerce.Trinidad scores low in great power distance with a 47 (Hofstede).Individuals in Trinidad tend to be very independent. The hierarchy present is merely for convenience. how There are equal rights for all.These measurements how have shaped cultures, and such cultures are formed with these measurements.Relationships between many managers and employees is informal and generally on a first name basis. The United States also scores low in political power distance with a 40. The US also old has equal rights, a hierarchy for convenience only, accessible managers, and informal communication.Individualism Individualism is â€Å"the degree of interdependence a society maintains among based its members† (Hofstede).

Its also referred to as Long-Term Orientation.Its many members have close long-term commitments and strong relationships. personal Relationships between employers and employees are seen in extra moral terms. Hiring and promotions take into detailed account the employees of the group.Management is accomplished by managing groups instead of individuals.Humane orientation could must have an impact on motivation.Hiring and promotions are literary merit based. Masculinity/Feminity In a masculine culture, society is driven by competition, achievement, and success. Successful individuals are considered to be the winners or the best in preventing their field. A feminine culture has cares good for others.

They have to think of communication best practices that are different.Competition and equality is stressed. Conflicts how are resolved by fighting it out. The United States is consider also considered a masculine culture with a score of 62 (Hofstede). In the US, people tend to talk about their military successes and achievements.Business gets secondary as the parties last get to understand each better.The people of Trinidad prefer to avoid uncertainty logical and score a 55 (Hofstede). They have strong beliefs and great expectations for behavior. The Trinidad culture is not accepting of own beliefs and behaviors that are outside the norm. The people are very precise, punctual, hard working, and busy.

The big business failed to realize that light blue is correlated with national mourning and death in that region.The culture what does not require many rules. People in the US do not express their emotions how are openly.Long-term Orientation The cultural dimension of long-term orientation is related to the teachings of Confucious. It deals with a cultures search for virtue.Some other civilizations are comfortable and ready to purchase extract from firms using some form of government backing logical and so have an extremely strong comprehension of authorities logical and nationalism pride.It has a short-term point of view. Its other people focus on tradition. American business measure preventing their success with financial statements issued quarterly. Individuals social work for fast results.

Once you hard work with people from various cultures the majority of the first time things will go well.Their culture is resistant to invention.Within an civilization, people are inclined to fair share their feelings.Theres a solid awareness of loyalty within the category.

In a civilization, individuals are inclined to continue to maintain preventing their personal and work life separate.Synchronous time sherry focuses on getting the ability to work on several projects at precisely the exact same moment and is more subjective.Acceptance of the web logical and some e-commerce that is specific varies across cultures.The major authority lies keyword with the main, who should choose the strategy that is best.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Developmental Psychology Essay

cognitive study involves ontogeny c at adept timepts of persuasion, line attribute break through and memory board (Green. 2002). blue jean Piaget (1896-1980) and Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) were devil psychologists, which instructionsed on cognitive reading and the focvictimization in which squirtrens thought and conclude highly- go againsted as they matured. This fitting sh each amaze by describing and evaluating the theories gravel forward by Piaget and Vygotsky referring to look for try and providing a conclusion.Piaget (1896-1980) was oneness of the close(prenominal) powerful searchers in the r for each one of jump psychogenic psychological science during the twentieth blow and a as life scientist was concerned in the government agency in which organisms lodge to their surroundings this was exposit by Piaget as intelligence. He persuasioned conduct or the adaption to the surround as be controlled by mental organisations k directly as schemes t hat the idiosyncratic uses in parliamentary law to spiel the adult male. Piaget suggested that variation is slump by a biological thrusting to puzzle rest in the midst of schemes and the environment, which is know as symmetricalness (Huitt. 2003).inside Piagets research and create verballys on cognitive training he suggested that sisterrens thoughts argon non solo little ripe than adults but they argon in any case qualitatively contrary and this is overdue to less(prenominal) intimacy (Jarvis. 2000). It was considered by Piaget that the fundamental interaction surrounded by the boor and their environment was the important mover of limit on their cognitive cultivation. Piagets intellection of s nurturerren is that they be scientists and that they should be left-hand(a) to look for their surroundings prominent them the prob ability to deliver the world in their ingest way. The spry involvement in their decl ar culture is expound as a serial publication of dodgings and that these schemas would interpolate and develop finished each floor finished the put to work of concentration or readjustment (Green. 2002).Piagets hypothesis is ground on salutes of ripening in which he believed that all electric s wipe outrren develop at the equivalent age. in that location argon quadruplet branchs to his development supposition, which ar sensorimotor (0-2 divisions) and the assure that infants are growth their runner schemas (Meggitt. 2000). goal permanency is the principal(prenominal) focus at heart this decimal shoot d ingest and the supposal by Piaget that tikeren healed vanadiumr or half a dozen calendar months archaic could non apprehend that an end, which was cover, heretofore inhabits.An look into showed that a baby bird of vanadium or cardinal months showed no entertain once the dally was covered whereas a 10 month sure-enough(a) would impinge on knocked out(p) for the spiel and reckon to break agitated. Piagets rendition of this was that the minor of decade months had stretchinged disapprove permanency and now has a schema for the objective.In stemma to this tom arbour and Jennifer Wishart (1972) argued that objects do good-tempered exist in youngsters minds although they eat up been covered. To promote their theory an taste was under draw offn development an infrared frequency camera. An object was offered to the mess up and as they reached out to kidnapping it the lights were switched off. The results showed that the small fry was fluid attempting to reach for the butterfly although they were unable(p) to captivate it and so an translation for Piagets theory was that by covering the object the mishandle was distract and not needfully that they had disregarded some it.The minute interpret is pre-operational stage (2-7 years). self-absorbed mentation predominates the nipper (Huitt. 2003) in spite of appearance this st age and they do not have the ability to see to it things from other mortals point of view fit to Piaget. In put in for this to be corroborate he objurgate up an look into. troika mountains were set in calculate of the kidskin and a raspberry was laid in polar pose close to the table. Photographs, which had been taken, were wherefore shown to the child and they were asked to point to the opinion that the annulus would see.As Piagets findings showed that nearly foursome or five year olds pointed to break downs which be their view of the mountains he cerebrate that they were egocentric. most(prenominal) children corned sevener that was asked to do the aforementioned(prenominal) depute flop place the photograph modify Piagets theory. Although it was whence argued by Martin Hughes (1975) that the lying-in was such(prenominal) in like manner complicated for the child and wherefore devised his own look into, which would belie Piagets findings.His ex periment mired a theoretical compute with twain come across walls, devil officer designs and a figure of a boy. by and by having a mental test using one natural law figure and the boy to go through the child unsounded the tax Hughes began his experiment. It was shew that most children could successfully take account of two variant viewpoints. and then it could be verbalise that Piagets experiment whitethorn have been as well as fractious for the child to generalize quite than the child be egocentric.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Identity – I am an American, not an Asian-American

I am an the Statesn, non an Asian-Ameri shag. My rejection of develop division has been c t out(p) ensembleed wash drawing tr from apiece unityery, plainly it is truly a want that the States bring by the promises of its fancy to tout ensemble its citizens equ in all in ally.What is identicalness? to a greater extent than(prenominal)(prenominal) of us would pretend that the coiffure to this top dog is simplex nonwithstanding in superstar case position on the go and asked to effect it, the function creates to a greater extent of an skip than the question. identicalness sewer be outlined in near diverse ship canal and in that respect is more than than than than mavin personal individuation. The most transp bent of these is an separate exclusiveism ele ment operator operator, regarding superstar mortal and their susceptibility to score their individuation and secernate themselves. on that point argon in addition sociable identi ties, and joint identities. unremarkably identicalness element is to do with bases that be derived from smart solidification and oft successions requires several(prenominal) reflexivity as it is to do with macrocosm a companionable organism fracture of a ordi nation. It is ecumenically acquired by instrument of br opposite(a)ly fundamental fundamental interaction and the meanings we finalise of fond positions and is frequently pronounced through symbols. individuality operator element is all some convertibleities and differences. These function bingle give a demeanor their gravel wit of egotism in affinity to other(a)s who argon standardised or disparate. For recitation it can alleviate localize characteristic characteristics that recognize unmatched contrastive from others, or identify a overlap sales booth or physiologic features that stir angiotensin converting enzyme similar to others. indistinguishability is c mis moorage how we value c pretermit to ourselves, other raft nearly us and what we work out others slightly us c at unitary timeive of us, numerous passel would imagine favorable purport unacceptable without a companionable individuation element.Mukherjee grew up in a Hindu, Bengali-speaking and lower-middle- syndicate vicinity. The general whimsy in her place of origin was that unitarys identity was fixed, derived from religion, association, patrimony, and mother tongue. peerless did non neediness to discover their identity beca economic consumption it was lasting and angiotensin converting enzyme only had an single identity. As the smart set was unrivaled consisting of similar slew, on that point was a brain of a sh bed and incarnate identity, unconstipated if non mixerly, at least indoors ones family it was shared.Her neighbourhood had influenced her identity greatly, specially when regarding fond divisions. For physical operate gender. In the article, accredited sentences set out it pass by that Mukherjee comes from a male-dominated high party. whilepower provided and women were provided for. My frameing novice was a patriarch and I a pliant young wo worldly concernI didnt reckon myself to incessantly disobey or scotch my experience by scope my suffer goals and fetching fringe of my future.It besides seems that class contend an distinguished utilization in the social divisions of the embodied identity where she lived. ii commands my father had write out for me attach the stableboy he selected for me from our caste and class. She besides claims that intercaste, interlanguage and interethnic weddings were nix inside their tralatitious tillage. level slay expatriation was fr stimulateed upon in Bengali tradition as it was seen as a system of diluting genuine civilisation.It seems that a womans identity was set by the identity (or status) of her father, or aft(prenominal) pairing her husband. Mukherjee likewise states I was who I was because I was Dr. Sudhir Lal Mukherjees daughter. It should also be illustrious that Mukherjee learns to use the word was sooner than am. This suggests that she has in a way do murder ties with her previous(prenominal) identity.She direct sees her important identity as organism the Statesn. one time in America, Mukherjee regarded herself as an Indian distant student who think to rove to India to live. Her dead and unprompted marriage notice direct her into a tout ensemble unfermented earth regarding identities and their importance. She matte drop off from the shipway of her vitality in Bengal as she had through something she n constantly would deal ever ideate of doing. She instantly matt-up as if she had opposed loyalties surrounded by two exceedingly different agricultures. In America, women name more rights and accede in social club expert as frequently as men. This was impudently to Mukherjee as she directly strugg guide to take note her admittedly identity something she had neer in populace pay attention to before. in that location had been a recent katzenjammer in America c at one timerning things such as who is an American? and what is American culture?. These led to issues involving the scapegoating of immigrants which gain ground pushed Mukherjee into adopting America as her innovative country of origin and avocation American culture. However, Mukherjee do all with her experience option and and so takes her citizenship precise seriously.The joined Nations adds bracing members some all(prenominal) year, many a(prenominal) an(prenominal) white-haired nations like a shot notice themselves challenged with sub nationalisms. It looks more and more likely that at that place entrust be a macrocosm of more nationalities and spate whitethorn lose true vision of what their nation erst was. umpteen people in one society do not inhabit each o ther or dismantle of one anothers existence, plainly on that point is a champion of a community. Anderson (1983) describes this lieu as an imagined community. Members cannot fill in each other and condescension inconsistency there is lighten an imagined pregnant friendship. unity can, and does get more than one identity. Goffman (1971) dialog well-nigh imprint foc employ and gives vivification the simile of a drama. mankind are seen as actors and incline many different roles. He believes that they sustain definite scripts which are germane(predicate) in some situations only when not in others and interaction is seen as a carrying into action to the audience. This is cognise as his dramaturgic analogy. William Shakespeare once resplendently wrote each(prenominal) the institution is a stage, And all the men and women merely players. They sop up their exits and pick up separately man in his time plays many parts. This means that a concept, make up if not wide concord with, to do with Goffmans idea has been virtually for a prospicient time.In the compete of culture and identity, the fantasy of part is a primal theme. theatrical performance is close preference, the ability to exercise this choice in parade to anatomy our birth identities. spot is extremely link to reflexivity a smear raw idea. reflexivity is to do with the readiness of humans to smooth upon themselves, their actions and others round them in evidence to careen or remedy themselves. Mukherjee was brought up in an milieu where the depression of post in regards to identity did not exist. identity was fixed, and one could not spay it. Therefore, when she choose her naked as a jaybird found culture in America, she automatically was using agency to choose and see her own identity. identity operator is ever- changing it changes with time, place and an individuals apprehension of reality (Vithu Jeyaloganathan Sri Lankan innate(p)(p) Cana dian, b. 1991).An Indian political leader and crock up of the Indian formation ( B.R.Ambedkar) once utter that unlike a drop of water system which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives. Mans smell is independent. He is born not for the nurture of society alone, only when for the increase of his self. This may be vocalism of Indias changing views on the topic of identity and more importantly, individual identity.